Center for Municipal Finance

CMF/Investortools/Merritt Data Hub


Data Description

The CMF/Investortools/Merritt datasets include selected items from the annual comprehensive financial statements and other continuing financial disclosures for more than 10,000 state and local government entities, including:

  • States, Cities and Counties
  • School Districts
  • Non-Profit Hospitals
  • Higher Education
  • Utilities (Retail Electric and Water/Sewer)
  • Transportation – Airports
  • Transportation – Tollroads

These data were collected and aggregated by Merritt Research Services, an industry leader in municipal credit analysis since 1985 whose products are used by more than 150 fund, institutional and private wealth managers. Merritt Research Services was acquired by Investortools in 2019.

An annual subscription is $3,000 per dataset. Each dataset includes 20-30 standard data fields for one of the six sectors listed above for the most recent ten fiscal years. See the “Data Fields Included” section below for details. All data records include name, state, fiscal year end, Statement Basis and Accounting Basis. Subscriptions purchased in 2023 will include FY2011 through FY2021. All data are delivered as a .csv file with the standard data fields.

Click here to apply for access to the CMF/Investortools/Merritt datasets.


  • Access is limited to faculty of accredited U.S. colleges and universities. PhD student access requires a supporting endorsement from a full-time tenure track professor in the program in which the student is enrolled. Students in undergraduate or masters’ programs cannot apply for direct access to the data; their access must occur in a classroom or independent study setting under the direction of a faculty member who has applied for such access.
  • To obtain data access, qualified academic researchers must submit a short research proposal. Research projects should focus on important issues of wide and general interest. In particular, narrowly focused projects on subjects of only interest to specific industries or firms may be declined.
  • Access is restricted to tenured and tenure track faculty, Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers, and research professors from accredited institutions.
  • Each researcher must register and be approved individually by staff at the University of Chicago’s Center for Municipal Finance.
  • Each individual researcher eligible to access the data must have a subscription at their home institution and be registered and approved.
  • All co-authors must be employed full-time by and/or enrolled as a student at an academic institution and be registered and approved.
    • Approved researchers are responsible for ensuring data security among support staff – research assistants, research managers, etc. – but support staff do not register and do not need approval.
    • Registered Ph.D. students who graduate and take a job at an unsubscribed academic institution may apply for a no-cost extension for approved projects in progress.
    • Registered Ph.D. students who graduate and take a job at outside of an academic institution are no longer eligible to access data.


Project Criteria

  • Researchers must register a 500-1000 word description of each project. Each paper a researcher intends to publish should be its own project
  • Researchers must disclose any changes to their project scope, coauthors, or funding sources during the course of their research.
  • Use of the data for consulting purposes is strictly prohibited. Projects intended to evaluate Investortools’ data collection methods or prior conclusions will not be approved.
  • Researchers must not disclose any jurisdiction-specific information from the Investortools data.

Click here to apply for access to the CMF/Investortools/Merritt datasets.


Data Fields Included

States, Cities and Counties

  1. General Fund (GF) Cash & Investments
  2. GF Deferred Revenue
  3. GF Total Liabilities
  4. GF Unassigned/Unreserved Undesignated Fund Balance
  5. GF Total Fund Balance
  6. GF Total Revenue
  7. GF Total Expenditures
  8. Total Taxable Assessed Value
  9. Total Assessed Value
  10. Current Debt Service (all governmental funds)
  11. Governmental Activities (Govt. Activities) Current Portion GO Debt
  12. Govt. Activities Current Portion Long-Term Debt
  13. Govt. Activities Short-Term Debt
  14. Govt. Activities Current Liabilities
  15. Govt. Activities Long-Term Debt
  16. Govt. Activities Invested in Capital Assets Net of Related Debt
  17. Govt. Activities Total Restricted Net Assets
  18. Govt. Activities Unrestricted Net Assets
  19. Govt. Activities Total Net Assets
  20. Govt. Activities Operating Grants & Contributions
  21. Govt. Activities Total Revenue
  22. Govt. Activities Total Expenses
  23. Govt. Activities Revenue Over Expense
  24. Govt. Activities Change in Total Net Assets/Net Position
  25. Govt. Activities Total Net OPEB Liability
  26. Govt. Activities Total OPEB Expense
  27. Govt. Activities Total Net Pension Liability
  28. Govt. Activities Total Pension Expense
  29. Population
  30. Business-Type Activities Operating Revenue

School Districts

  1. General Fund (GF) Cash & Investments
  2. GF Deferred Revenue
  3. GF Total Liabilities
  4. GF Unassigned/Unreserved Undesignated Fund Balance
  5. GF Total Fund Balance
  6. GF Total Revenue
  7. GF Total Expenditures
  8. Total Taxable Assessed Value
  9. Total Assessed Value
  10. Current Debt Service (all governmental funds)
  11. Governmental Activities (Govt. Activities) Current Portion GO Debt
  12. Govt. Activities Current Portion Long-Term Debt
  13. Govt. Activities Short-Term Debt
  14. Govt. Activities Current Liabilities
  15. Govt. Activities Long-Term Debt
  16. Govt. Activities Invested in Capital Assets Net of Related Debt
  17. Govt. Activities Total Restricted Net Assets
  18. Govt. Activities Unrestricted Net Assets
  19. Govt. Activities Total Net Assets
  20. Govt. Activities Operating Grants & Contributions
  21. Govt. Activities Total Revenue
  22. Govt. Activities Total Expenses
  23. Govt. Activities Revenue Over Expense
  24. Govt. Activities Change in Total Net Assets/Net Position
  25. Govt. Activities Total Net OPEB Liability
  26. Govt. Activities Total OPEB Expense
  27. Govt. Activities Total Net Pension Liability
  28. Govt. Activities Total Pension Expense
  29. Population

Non-Profit Hospitals

  1. Cash & Short-Term Investments
  2. Net Accounts Receivable
  3. Total Assets
  4. Total Current Assets
  5. Restricted/Board Designated Assets
  6. Total Current Liabilities
  7. Current Portion of Long-Term Debt
  8. Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt
  9. Total Liabilities
  10. Long-Term Debt
  11. Pension Liability
  12. OPEB Liability
  13. Total Operating Revenue
  14. Total Non-Operating Revenue
  15. Total Operating Expense
  16. Salaries & Benefits Expense
  17. Depreciation Expense
  18. Bad Debt Expense or Equivalent(s)
  19. Interest Expense
  20. Net Operating Income
  21. Change in Unrestricted Net Assets
  22. Change in Donor/Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
  23. Net Patient Revenue
  24. % Medicare NPR
  25. % Medicaid NPR
  26. Beds in Service
  27. Admissions
  28. Average Length of Stay
  29. Type: Independent or System

Utilities (Retail Electric and Water/Sewer)

  1. Cash & Short-Term Investments Net Accounts Receivable
  2. Total Assets
  3. Total Current Assets
  4. Total Current Liabilities
  5. Current Portion of Long-Term Debt Payable from Current Assets
  6. Current Portion of Debt – Payable for Rst Assts
  7. Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt
  8. Total Liabilities
  9. Long-Term Debt
  10. Tot Fund Equity
  11. Pension Liability
  12. OPEB Liability
  13. Total Operating Revenue
  14. Total Non-Operating Revenue
  15. Total Operating Expense
  16. Depreciation & Amortization Expense
  17. Total Interest Expense
  18. Purchased Power Exp
  19. Revenues Over Expenses
  20. Total Change in Net Assets (Position)
  21. Resd MWh Sales
  22. Tot Elect Sales
  23. Water Op Rev
  24. Sewer Op Rev
  25. Tax Support
  26. Trans Out

Higher Education

  1. Cash & Short-Term Investments
  2. Net Accounts Receivable
  3. Total Assets
  4. Total Current Assets
  5. Restricted/Board Designated Assets
  6. Total Current Liabilities
  7. Current Portion of Long-Term Debt
  8. Total Liabilities
  9. Unrestricted Net Assets (Position)
  10. Long-Term Debt
  11. Pension Liability
  12. OPEB Liability
  13. Total Operating Revenue
  14. Total Non-Operating Revenue
  15. Total Operating Expense
  16. Salaries & Benefits Expense
  17. Depreciation Expense
  18. Interest Expense
  19. Net Operating Income
  20. Tot Gifts Non-Operating
  21. Endowment Net Assets EOY
  22. Total Headcount
  23. Full-Time Undergraduate Headcount,
  24. Net Tuition Rev,
  25. State Appropriations,
  26. Property Tax Revenue (Primarily Comm Colleges)
  27. Resident Tuition,
  28. Non-Resident Tuition;



  1. Cash & Short-Term Investments
  2. Net Accounts Receivable
  3. Total Assets (Position) (aka Fund Balance)
  4. Total Current Assets
  5. Restricted Assets
  6. Total Current Liabilities
  7. Current Portion of Long-Term Debt
  8. Total Liabilities
  9. Unrestricted Net Assets (Position) (aka fund balance)
  10. Long-Term Debt
  11. Pension Liability
  12. OPEB Liability
  13. Total Operating Revenue
  14. Total Non-Operating Revenue
  15. Total Operating Expense
  16. Salaries & Benefits Expense
  17. Depreciation Expense
  18. Interest Expense
  19. Net Operating Income
  20. Enplanements
  21. Tot Passengers


  1. Cash & Short-Term Investments
  2. Net Accounts Receivable
  3. Total Assets
  4. Total Current Assets
  5. Restricted
  6. Total Current Liabilities
  7. Current Portion of Long-Term Debt
  8. Total Liabilities
  9. Unrestricted Net Assets (Position)
  10. Long-Term Debt
  11. Pension Liability
  12. OPEB Liability
  13. Total Operating Revenue
  14. Total Non-Operating Revenue
  15. Total Operating Expense
  16. Salaries & Benefits Expense
  17. Depreciation Expense
  18. Interest Expense
  19. Net Operating Income
  20. NetToll Rev or Total Vehicles
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